We welcome all capable and willing women and men over the age of 18 to join our team.







Who Can Volunteer?

We believe that everyone has something to offer when it comes to being a part of our team and serving communities impacted by disaster.  Minuteman Disaster Response welcomes all capable and willing men and women over the age of 18 to join the team and get started right away in training to be able to safely and effectively deploy on our next mission.

Does this sound like you?

Do you want to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable populations affected by natural disasters, but want to do so in an organized, responsible and effective way. Join the team today!


Our mission is to save lives and provide assistance in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.


Minuteman Disaster Response will give you the skills and training necessary to respond to disasters and offer support to those who need it most. Our team of highly-trained and well-equipped volunteers will prepare you to become a part our team.


Our online and in-person training modules prepare volunteers to save lives and provide significant aid to disaster victims. When the call comes, you’ll be ready for service.

What do our volunteer teams do?

Our team members are involved in every phase of natural disaster relief.


We start by forecasting natural disasters and identifying their threat level. Our teams then prepare for deployment in the immediate moments after a disaster strikes, offering on-the-ground relief to affected communities. Our teams are trained in dealing with the aftermath of disasters including  Debris Clean-Up, Resource Management, Search & Rescue, and more.


Minuteman Disaster Response is comprised of trained volunteers who undergo thorough training strategies to be able to safely and effectively assist communities affected by natural disasters.

What is basic training?

Basic Training requires 1-2 hours of online training and prepares volunteers to be deployment ready when the next call comes.  Basic Training covers these topics:

  • History & Culture of Minuteman Disaster Response
  • Safety in Disaster areas
  • Basic Command Structure
  • What To Expect
  • Psychological Effects of Disaster
  • Call-out Process


By completing Basic Training, team members are ready to deploy during the relief phase of a disaster response. So what are you waiting for? JOIN TODAY

What is advanced training?

Advanced Training opportunities are always available to our team in an effort to equip them with the best possible knowledge and skills for deployment.  Training opportunities consist of:

  • Heavy Equipment
  • Sawyer
  • Communications
  • Leadership

Advanced Training prepares volunteers for a more comprehensive deployment spanning before, during and after a natural disaster.

What is Rapid Response?

In addition to these advanced trainings there is also opportunity for team members to join the Rapid Response Team.  This specialized team is made available to those who wish to learn more and increase their level of involvement within the MDR organization.  Training components consist of:

  • First Aid, CPR & AED
  • SAR-Tech (Search and Rescue)
  • Communications
  • Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS)

How do I Join?

When someone joins the MDR team they can be certain that we will take care of making sure they have all the training and resources they need to deploy safely.  For those joining our team, we commit the following:

    • Provide excellent training
    • Provide the right equipment to get the job done
    • When deployed:
      • Ensure that there is work to be done
      • Provide a place to sleep
      • Arrange for ground transportation
      • Supply three meals a day

We promise to make sure that your experience with our organization is top-notch and that you are notified when the time comes to deploy and serve a community in need.  If this is the right organization for you, all you need to do is pay annual membership dues of $35 and complete a membership application. Once our team receives your information we walk you through the process of getting trained and becoming our next deployment ready team member.